Release holiday stress and prepare for the cold of winter with gentle yoga and simple Ayurvedic self-care practices.
In this 2-hour workshop, you will practice self-care through nurturing gentle yoga, exploration of your dosha (mind-body type), and abhyanga (or self-massage). You'll identify your dosha type, learn how to implement some stress-relieving Ayurvedic self-care practices, and create body oil blends suitable for your dosha and for the season. You'll also learn simple foot, hand, and facial massage techniques using your personal oil blend.
Ayurveda is described as "the sister science to yoga" - it is the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems. In Ayurveda, each of us has a unique mind-body type, known as a dosha - your individual blueprint that describes your unique personality, tendencies, and physical nature. Understanding your dosha reveals how to keep yourself in balance to stay happy, healthy and disease free.
This workshop is limited to 14 participants.
Fee: $59 (all supplies included, 10% off automatically applied for members). *If you have financial concerns about attending, please contact the studio.
For more info. or to register: