Balancing Owl Yoga Community Involvement...
here are some events we are involved in
Donation Class w/Laurie
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools- Low Incidence Middle School Students
January 20, 2015
Monthly Pop-Up Classes with Anne to Benefit The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Select Fridays from 4:14-5pm: Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 13, 2024
Click here to find the date on schedule that you want to attend and pre-register for free
Bring cash donations or click here to donate online
Leaning Into Aging “Wisdom Circle”-
June 1, Sept. 21, Nov. 9, 2024
Donations to benefit the Dublin Food Pantry
Celebrate community and conversations around aging gracefully
FREE YOGA DAY- June 22, 2024 to Benefit the Dublin Food Pantry
Free Classes, Energy Healing, Chakra Readings
Free Activities, Live Music
New Balancing Owl Tops, Discounts
FREE Balancing Owl Yoga Community Gatherings
Each event includes sharing of refreshments, grounding meditation, and mindful connection and conversation.
November 12, 2023, 12-1pm- Shared refreshments, guided meditation, and open discussion.
January 21, 2024, 5-6pm- Shared refreshments, watched the video, “Ram Das, Coming Home”, group discussion about the video.
2023 Gentle Yoga Monthly Donation Classes for a Cause w/Shayla Krecklow
Donations will support:
March 26 at 6:30pm- The Columbus Urban League advocating and empowering Black and Urban communities
April 22 at 4pm- Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
May 13 at 4pm- Huck House to benefit mental health awareness
June 3 at 4pm- Kaleidoscope to honor PRIDE month
July 9 at 6:30pm- Mid Ohio Food Bank
August 6 at 6:30pm- Seeds of Caring
September 16 at 6:30pm- Suicide Prevention of Ohio
October 21 at 6:30pm- Cause for Canines
November 11 at 12pm- Star House
*For many causes, we’ll also have a collection box at the studio throughout that month to drop off critical items in need.
FREE YOGA WEEK- July 31 - August 6, 2023
Celebrating yoga, community and connection with a week of free classes.
January, 2023 Give Back
BINGO Self-Care Challenge with 100% of proceeds going to Turning Point. An organization providing support for Domestic Violence Victims.
December, 2022 Give Back
Community Shelter Board Hygiene Collection
Anytime you come to the studio in December, bring donations and put in front hallway box.
Most requested items include: Deodorant, Soap, Feminine Hygiene Products, Razors, Shaving Cream, Toothbrush/Toothpaste, Shampoo
For more information about The Community Shelter Board, click here.
October, 2022 Give Back
We collected Ramen Noodles & Mac and Cheese for hungry kids in Columbus.
September, 2022 Give Back
We collected non-perishable food items for hungry families in Dublin.
Free yoga & music festival 2022
We love having the opportunity to host this amazing community event. It is a day meant to spread joy, peace, love, and connection!
We were so excited to partner with Cause for Canines during our Free Yoga & Music Festival! We were able to collect donated items, raise money, and help find FURever homes for adoptable dogs!
In our second year of involvement, Balancing Owl Yoga teachers and students once again adopted 4 families including 25 adults and children in need. The donations were inspiring and filled with love. We continue to be amazed with the generosity of the Balancing Owl Yoga family. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Free Yoga Day- Saturday, September 21, 2019
To celebrate International Day of Yoga & the Fall Solstice, we hosted a day of “FREE” to celebrate yoga, community, and small business! Thanks to everyone involved. We look forward to our next Free Yoga Day to be held on Saturday, January 11, 2020. More information coming soon….
Hatha $7 Donation Classes to Benefit Trauma and Resiliency Resources, Inc.'s Warrior Camp® Program
Instructor, Cindy Hurst, taught a series of Hatha classes where 100% of the proceeds were donated to Trauma and Resiliency Resources, Inc.'s Warrior Camp® Program. TRR's Warrior Camp® is a 7-day clinical treatment program for active duty military, veterans (of all service branches and all eras) and first responders who suffer from Moral Injury and post-traumatic stress.
Free Community Meditation All Summer, 2019
Studio owner, Laurie Gyurko, offered free, 30-minute meditation sessions dedicated as time to support community mindfulness and help restore and reconnect within.
FREE Event At Tuller Square Park To Celebrate International Day Of Yoga
Friday, June 21, 2019 from 6-8pm Mary Coleman represented Balancing Owl and taught a community class to over 100 yogi’s along with teachers from Harbor Yoga, Pai Yoga, and Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh. Special thanks to Mary and the Yoga Teacher Trainees for volunteering.
the Balancing Owl Team for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event- Saturday, May 18, 2019.
Our Balancing Owl Yoga Team of 28 participants raised $2047 (including $5 donation per member from the studio). It was an amazing experience of community and love as we honored and celebrated those impacted by breast cancer.
Free Yoga Day- Saturday, January 12, 2019
The first snow of the season did not scare away hundred of people from coming in to celebrate yoga, community, small business and giving back! We collected two large boxes of donations for the Dublin Food Pantry! Thanks to everyone involved. We look forward to this summers event in July (exact date TBD).
Salvation Army Adopt-A-Family, December 2018
Balancing Owl Yoga was an official sponsor of the Salvation Army Adopt-A-Family Program. Our staff and students purchased and delivered gifts for 29 adults and children (4 families) experiencing unusual hardship this year. We were so proud to be involved.
Together in Motion
Home for Together in Motion- a program sponsored by OSU and the Central Ohio Autism Society to provide yoga to improving the quality of life through increased physical activity and the fundamentals of yoga for students with autism. A special thanks to Kelly Schulze, program creator & instructor, for bringing this important work to our studio.
Y12SR Weekly Classes to Support Amethyst, Inc.
Tuesdays weekly from 8-9am, these donation-based classes offer yoga for 12-step recovery addressing the need for sustainable addition recovery and relapse prevention. Donations benefit Amethyst, Inc., an organization committed to providing a safe, stable environment for recovering drug and alcohol dependent women as they work toward and maintain sobriety. A special thanks to Kelly Schulze, director and instructor, for bringing this important work to our studio.
Please contact for questions about all programs and events.
Free Yoga Day this Summer was Saturday, July 14, 2018....This event supported collections for Welcome Warehouse. Free classes, massage, reiki, and more! Our next Free Yoga Day will be in January, 2019. Stay tuned...
FREE Event at Coffman Pavilion to Celebrate International Day of Yoga
Monday, June 25, 2018 from 6-8pm Kelly Schulze represented Balancing Owl and taught a 20-minute class along with teachers from Harbor Yoga, Pai Yoga, and Columbus Ashtanga. It was outside and Balancing Owl also had an information table with free class giveaways. Special thanks to Kelly Schulze and the Yoga Teacher Trainees for volunteering.
2018 Run for Down Syndrome
On Thursday, May 17, 2018 from 6:30-8:30pm , Balancing Owl Yoga had a table at Fiserv in Dublin for this amazing and important event. Kimberly Kayler, Colleen Melville-Schultz and yoga teacher training students were there to share yoga with runners and families.
May, 2018 Balancing Owl Yoga Month at LuluLemon Polaris
Balancing Owl Yoga offered free classes the first 3 Sundays in May at the store from 10:30-11:30am. May 6 : Stephanie taught Hatha/Low Back Yoga, May 13 : Harshaw is taught Gentle Yoga, May 20 : Colleen taught Gentle Yoga.
CenturyLink Health & Wellness Fair- March, 2018
Balancing Owl Yoga teachers shared yoga support with CenturyLink employees at their Health & Wellness Fair. A special thanks to Anne DiBlasio, Carol Schubert and Stephanie Kelley for participating.
Free Yoga Day- January, 2018
Balancing Owl Yoga teachers offered 12 free classes, ongoing massage and Reiki appointments to students in our community. Collected and donated 165 lbs. of hygiene products to the Dublin Food Pantry. Thanks to all who donated, and to teachers and therapists who donated their time and shared their gifts.
December, 2017
Collected 20 large bags of coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Teachers and students gathered and assembled 100 hygiene kits for homeless families. All donated to the Community Shelter Board. A special thanks to all teachers and students in our yoga community who helped with collection and assembly.
November/December, 2017
Collected and donated 116 lbs. of hygiene products and beverages for the Dublin Food Pantry.
Free Yoga Day- June, 2017
Balancing Owl Yoga teachers offered free classes, ongoing massage and Reiki appointments to students in our community.
Free Yoga Day- January, 2017
Balancing Owl Yoga teachers offered free classes and massage to students in our community.
November, 2016
Collected and Donated 40 lbs. of food items for the Dublin Food Pantry.
Balancing Owl Yoga Grand Opening- August, 2016
Balancing Owl Yoga teachers offered free classes and massage to students in our community.