January 21-March 3 (no class on Feb. 11)
Sundays, 2-3:30pm
Have you been curious about mindfulness & meditation but a bit unsure where to start? This practice can be transformative, particularly when you are learning and practicing in a supportive and kind community. Through a combination of theory, small group dialogue and practice (both formal practice and informal practice), you will be introduced to tools that will help you work skillfully with emotions and thoughts and help you awaken to moments of joy in your life.
Practice areas we will cover include:
How to support your body & your mind in meditation
Moving from living in your head to inhabiting your body
Creating space for response versus reactivity
Working skillfully with difficult emotions
Cultivating kindness & generosity
Identifying helpful & unhelpful thinking patterns
Handling common obstacles to meditation
Each week, we will explore a different topic and, in-between classes, you will be supported with suggestions for at-home practices (guided meditations, as well as informal practices) to really allow this skill to flourish in our six weeks together. Enrollment is limited to 18 students. No experience required.